Improve your skills in reading, listening, speaking and writing English with the new Workplace Literacy, a programme designed to help learners gain access to better jobs and courses that are conducted in English. With the new blended Workplace Literacy, you can learn English anytime, anywhere!

Start on
Face-to-Face Class
Full-Time (3 months)
Programme Fees
(Up to 90% SSG Subsidy)

Training Vision Institute is pleased to provide an English course that allows you to improve your English skills anytime, anywhere—the new Workplace Literacy programme.

This programme is comprised of 3 levels—Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced, which will provide you with a strong foundation in English literacy, capability to understand routine work-related conversations, and interact fluently with the public respectively.

Your English skills can take you anywhere and provide you with plenty of opportunities—from a better job to further upskilling yourself. This programme is the foundation you need to do just that, and what’s more, it can help you in increasing your potential for higher performance at your current job.

The programme is composed of 8 modules, from Beginner to Advanced.

Upon the successful completion of the programme, the Candidate Report issued by the British Council (Singapore) will reflect the individual’s results for each component completed (Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing).

Beginner Level 初级水平

If you have little or no knowledge of English, this programme provides a strong foundation in English literacy for the workplace. Learn to read and write simple words or phrases, and basic communication in daily context. You will be able to handle routine entry-level jobs that only require basic oral or written communication in English.

如果你对英语知之甚少或不了解,本课程为工作场所的英 语提供了坚实的基础。学习阅读和编写简单的单词或短 语,以及日常环境中的基本沟通。学员将能用英语在日常 入门级工作中进行基本的口头或书面交流。I

Intermediate Level 中级水平

Gain the ability to understand routine work-related conversations. You will be able to handle work that involves following oral and simple written instructions and interact with the public. You will also be able to perform reading and writing tasks with reasonable accuracy to meet work needs.

获得理解日常工作相关对话的能力。您将能够处理涉及口头和 简单书面指示并与公众互动的工作。您还将能够以合理的准确 度执行读写任务以满足工作需求。

Advanced Level 高级水平

This programme helps you understand routine work-related conversations, clarify general meaning and communicate in both social and work settings. You will be able to handle work that involves following oral and written instructions and interact fluently with the public. You will also be able to perform reading and writing tasks involving logs, reports, and forms with reasonable accuracy to meet work needs.

本课程能帮助您理解日常工作相关的对话,阐明一般意义并在 社交和工作环境中进行交流。您将能够处理涉及口头和书面指 示的工作,并与公众流利地互动。学员还将能够以合理的准确 度执行读写任务,例如日志,报告,表格等,以满足工作需求。

Minimum Entry Requirement

  • Academic Level Required: NA
  • Language Proficiency: Successfully completed British Council Pre-Test at least Level 1or 2; or as recommended by British Council.
  • Other qualifications can be considered for entry if they are deemed to be equivalent and will have to be approved by Director, Central Academic Division (CAD) in TVI.
  • Work Experience Required: NA
  • Minimum Age Required: 21

Each lesson will be segmented into “Pre-Class”, “In-Class” & “Post-Class”

每节课将分为“课前” , “在课上” 和“课后” 部分

Learners are required to take a Pre-Course assessment to ascertain their level of English proficiency and a Post-course assessment to be eligible for course fee funding.

学员需要进行课前评估以确定他们适合水平的英语班级和 课程后评估以有资格获得课程费用津贴。

Results will be released 5 days upon completion of the test.


The mode of delivery will be a combination of lectures, workshops, group discussions, individual activities, experiential learning with a 1:20 teacher and student ratio.

Full Course Fee*


Up to 70% SSG Subsidy** (Singaporean 21 to 39 years old or Permanent Residents)

Up to 90% SSG Subsidy** (Singaporean aged 40 years old & above)

*All prices are inclusive of 9% GST. GST are based on full course fees, before SSG funding. **Current prevailing SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) funding applies to Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents. Please refer to SSG Training Grants Incentives website for the latest information.

1. Singaporeans and Permanent Residents have to meet the following conditions to be eligible for SSG fund, failing which the participant will be liable to pay the full course fees to Training Vision Institute. a) Met minimum 75% in attendance and in E-learning hours b) Qualify as Competent in all WSQ Assessments c) Met other SSG eligibility criteria

2. Singapore Citizens can use their SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) to offset the course fee after subsidies.

3. SkillsFuture Singapore course funding level has been revised from 1st January 2022. For complete information please visit SSG website or download the information here. Please speak to our Course Consultants to confirm your course fees. – Assessment fees (if required) will be collected upon sign up. – Singaporean / Permanent Resident is entitled to subsidised test fees – No subsidy if retest taken within 90 days of the last test

*所有价格均包含 9% 消费税 。GST是基于SSG课程补贴前的全额学费来计算。 **新加坡精深技能发展局 (SSG) 课程津贴适⽤于新加坡公⺠或新加坡永久居⺠。请参阅 SSG Training Grants Incentives ⽹站了解最新信息。

1. 符合以下条件的新加坡公⺠和永久居⺠将有资格获得 SSG 课程津贴,未能满⾜以下条件的学 员,将有责任向 Training Vision Institute ⽀付 全额课程费⽤。 a) 出勤率和在线学习时间⾄少达到 75% b) 在所有 WSQ 评估中获得合格资格 c) 满⾜其他 SSG 课程资格标准

2. 新加坡公⺠可以使⽤ SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) 来抵消补贴后的课程费⽤。

3. 从 2022 年 1 ⽉ 1 ⽇起,新加坡精深技能发展局 (SSG) 课程津贴已经调整。 有关调整的细节,请访问 SSG ⽹站或在此处下载信息。 请与我们的课程顾问联系以确认您的课程费⽤。 – 将收取评估费(如需要) – 新加坡公⺠/永久居⺠有资格获得测试费的津贴 – 如果在90天内进⾏重新测试,不能享受测试费津贴

KEY Facilitators
Jenny Soh

Jenny has been in the teaching profession for over 30 years, making her a remarkably competent trainer with strong interpersonal skills and a highly engaging classroom presence. Before joining Training Vision Institute in 2010, she gained more than two decades of teaching experience in the Institute of Technical Education and International Colleges. Her effective training and facilitation skills made her a choice candidate for doctoral research in 2014 to generate substantive theory on how effective trainers deal with the training of lower-wage and lower-skill workers in a WPL Programme in Singapore.

Questions? Check the frequently asked questions below.

For face-to-face class, a hard copy learner’s guide will be given, for L1 and L3 modules. For L4 and L5 modules, materials are available in TVI Online (Learning Management Systems).

Our course consultant will advise you if you need to bring along a laptop. You also have the option to loan a laptop from us for the duration of the course. You may also want to bring along a jacket in case the room gets cold.

For online classes, do ensure you have a functional laptop and have Zoom installed prior to class.

You are required to have basic computer navigational skills such as opening and closing, dragging and dropping, copying and pasting of files.

In partnership with Fish4Talents, Training Vision Institute's subsidiary for career coaching and talent solutions provider, we will provide learners exclusive career coaching upon completion of modules.

Yes, we have funding available for self-sponsored (individuals) - up to 50% or 70% funding, and company-sponsored (SME or Non-SME). For more information, you may visit here.

You can sign up for this course through this link. Once you have registered for the course, our course consultant will follow up with you via email regarding your course registration.

Once you have registered for the course, you will receive a detailed step-by-step user guide on how to claim your SkillsFuture Credit. Our course consultant will be able to assist you if you require any help along the way.

If you are still unsure whether this course is suitable for you, please leave your contact details here. A course consultant will get in touch with you to recommend the appropriate course(s) based on your learning objectives.


    Highest Qualification*
    PDPA Notice* By registering for this Form, I authorise the Training Vision Institute to collect, use and disclose my personal data submitted in this form for the purpose of contacting me about Training Vision Institute programs and follow up messages.
    Additional Message


    Data Communication for Managers (Classroom)

    Data storytelling is a way of communicating a compelling story using data, analytics and examples to translate data to share business performance. Effective data storytelling saves time in delivering findings through stories and data visualisation. At the end of the programme, learners will be able to design data displays such as dashboards to present trends and findings, incorporating new and advanced visualisation and analytics capabilities for data storytelling.

    24 Hours
    Computational Modelling for Business Intelligence Professionals

    This program is designed to enhance the computational modelling skills of business intelligence professionals. Participants will learn to identify appropriate statistical algorithms and data models to test hypotheses or theories. They will gain proficiency in utilizing a variety of statistical methods and analytics approaches to analyze data. The course also covers using analytics platforms and analytical tools based on specific requirements for analytics and reporting. Participants will develop the ability to conduct statistical modeling of data, derive patterns and solutions, and assess the effectiveness of models through tests on actions and outcomes. Additionally, the program includes performing coding and configuration of software agents or programs based on selected models or algorithms, proposing and implementing changes or updates to improve models or algorithms, and diagnosing unintended outcomes produced by analytical models.

    40 Hours
    5 Modules
    Business Performance Analytics

    This course equips participants with the skills needed to excel as a business performance analyst. Learners will gain an understanding of various business performance systems and their specific requirements. They will learn to design monitoring and testing procedures for processes within their department, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness. The course covers conducting gap analysis and evaluating findings and outliers, enabling participants to identify root causes and propose effective solutions.

    24 Hours
    4 Modules